MG Awareness Interactive Map
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Where In The World Is MG?

Patients and Caregivers Around the Globe

Every year, the MGFA community comes together during the month of June to boost efforts surrounding fundraising, research, and advocacy to support people affected by MG. For 2024, we encourage you to show us where you live and how MG impacts the community worldwide. Submit a photo of where you live using the form on this page, and show the global MG Community that MG impacts YOUR WORLD.

Click here to submit your story.

Want to explore? Click on a specific state or country to zoom in.

This virtual, interactive map showcases individual stories, with states and countries “lighting up” to highlight participation around the globe. We invite everyone in the MGFA community — patients, caregivers, community leaders, health professionals, etc. — to participate.

Submit a photo of you and where you live, and use the following form to include your contact information to be featured on the interactive map. Photo should be a .JPG or .PNG digital file only.

After selecting the image from your device, you MUST click the Upload link prior to clicking the Submit button.


A World Without MG